I was a pyro, I burnt my mothers goose down jacket camping when I was 8.
In grade 8 my teacher showed us how you could light alcohol on fire, and after the burn, it would leave a water residue behind. I thought this would be a good topic for further study at home.
I went home, my mother was at work. I looked for a substance first, I settled on nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol. I dumped it on our kitchen counter just like my teacher did, and then threw a match at it! The flames went skyhigh and scorched the cupboards! Luckally it went up in a flash and did not actually ignight anything!
I should have stopped. Instead I decided to take my "experiment" to the basement, because it had a concrete floor, would be much safer.
I proceeded to light up the mixuture a few more times safely. Then something happend, and I accidently lit a paper on fire! It was really burning, so I did a very brave thing thinking "I need to contain this fire". I grabbed it and threw it into a near by garbage can. Problem was, the garbage can was made out of plastic and full of bounce sheets! As the flames where shooting out of it, I decided to grab ahold of it, and RUN it to the laundry tub, as I sprinted with my burning bucket to water, it was melting dripping plastic all over some painted doors my mother had been working on in the basement! I got it into the laundry tub, I turned on the water, and finally, the fire was out!
I cleaned up as best I could, and did a pretty good job. Aired out the house, and then mother came home. She did not know anything was up, until she went to the basement and found the remnants of her garbage can in the sink and plastic dripped all over her doors!
That was one time that I know she had the right to become histarical on me! Maybe I am the source of her mental issues. I was a difficult child!