In the state of California, if the I.E.P deems this school necessary for your son then the district must provide transportation free of charge. If a therapist or counselor can also back you up then that will deffinately help.The Community Alliance For Special Education CASE can bat for your son even if he is in regular ed classes. They are 1031 Franklin Street,Suite B5 San Francisco,Ca 94109 Tel. (415) 928-2273, Fax. (415)928-2289 or Tennyson Road, Room 1 Hayword, Ca.94544 Tel.(510)783-5333 and Fax. (510)783-8822 or Protection and Advocacy,Inc(PAI)Toll Free Carrgo/TDD:(800)776-5746 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m monday thrru Friday. Central Office 100 Howe Ave. suite 185-N Sacramento, Ca 95828. Legal Unit- (916) 488-9950. Southern Calif. Area Office 3580 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 902 Los angeles, Ca. 90010 Tel. (213) 427-8747. San Francisco Bay Area Office 449-15th Street, Suite 401 Oakland, Ca. 94612 Tel. (510)839-0811. Even if not in Calif these people should be able to help you with info. According to the American's with Disabilities Act, if you son has a confirmed diagnoses and cannot safely go to the school in your district or that school cannot accomodate him, then the district has to, or you do have growns for a law suit. Good luck to you. I recommend the book, "Special Education Rights and Responsibilities" it's not just for kids in special Education, it is also for every child who has a special need, rather in regualr classes or not.You need to know what his rights are and also what yours are as parents.