GoldenMom wrote:
He will need therapy, life skills group therapy, possibly speech therapy.
I agree with life skills therapy, which is basically glorified life coaching, and speech therapy, if he needs it.
As for regular therapy, not so much! Therapy, as we know it, as usually unhelpful to aspie kids at best, and harmful and traumatizing at worst. Plus, therapists, when they treat a child, are really on the
parents' side: their job is to help the parents manage their child, not help the child manage his life, even if they say otherwise. They will pretend to be the child's friend, no doubt. But to anyone with a shred of social insight (which most aspie kids do have), the jig is up: they will see right through the fakery, will lose trust toward both the parents and the therapist.
My advice to you is to vet the therapist long and hard before you let him/her within 100 feet of your son. Better yet, stay away from therapy altogether. Stick to life skills and speech training.