any other parents get nervous about school starting again?

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23 Jul 2007, 12:12 pm

School is getting ready to start here next week and I get so nervous about it that I really feel sick about it. Having to start over with a new teacher and hope they "understand" my son and give him the allowances he needs, that they communicate with me etc. I hate it!

NT mom of two ASD boys

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23 Jul 2007, 12:43 pm

I gotta tell you, I get that way EVERY YEAR, and have done all the years my son goes to school.

Things have improved, but it seems like just when you think things are going smoothly, you'll hit a relatively big roadbump and you feel like you're back to square one.

Usually things go OK, and I'm all nervous for nothing. This year is the entrance into middle school for my son, so I think being nervous is actually called for!



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23 Jul 2007, 12:49 pm

Me and my ex rather says THANK GOD!

I've gotten NOTHING done this summer (well I have but it feels like that) and I have a lot of bad feelings because I feel I've not had time to spend time with my kids enough. Then my ex stared at me for feeling bad about this and explained how much I've been helping her with just about everything, including fixing her car, doing some wiring for lights and remodel the whole boiler room with new cabling, handled my own three kids AND a friend for a week in absolutely nowhere and managed to fix food for them.... (I'm almost the only authorized person that can make food for the kids except my ex). And my sister asked me to get a reality check, because I've been busy just taking good care of my ex and our kids so he's been calling me and actually screamed at me. So I must be doing something right anyway.

It's like my ex explained to me that if ANYBODY does think of EVERYTHING else for EVERYBODY and can't stop doing so I'll only end up being used. But having the house or apartment full of kids constantly and never being able to load the batteries has taken a big toll from both my ex and mine social capital during summer.

My two oldest kids is dad's boy and girl and it seems that I've been adopted as extra dad by several of their classmates but my youngest with AS from tip to toe accepts me but is like glued onto his mother, and can drive anybody crazy... I was checking my ex's car today due to some noise from the brakes, and I think my two friends and my Ex was going to strangle the kid when he for the 22nd time explained that they where on the back of the house when I was in the garage....

So I say, thank god school starts soon :-)


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23 Jul 2007, 1:37 pm

Kris, I will PRAY for you, starting middle school makes me nauseous just to THINK about!

NT mom of two ASD boys

"Be kinder than necessary,
for everyone you meet is
fighting some kind of battle".

23 Jul 2007, 4:13 pm


Around here school doesn't start for another 5 Weeks. When i was going to school, We went back either the Tuesday before Labor day or the Wednesday after.


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23 Jul 2007, 4:34 pm

oh yes, I am afraid so. Our first day is August 2nd!! ! I agree, MUCH TOO SOON!! !

NT mom of two ASD boys

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23 Jul 2007, 5:14 pm

August 2nd? Ugh. . .



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23 Jul 2007, 9:04 pm

Hey, all i'm new, but scared to death. Last year was my dd's first year back to school after a 2 year home schooling stint, and she did wonderfully, is three weeks away, and she says she is not going back to school. Her original leave of public school started when neither I nor the School system would pick her up and drag her into the building. But, I cannot home school her in my current county, without a BS. I hope she is just trying to deal with her own anxiety by being in denial!! !! !

thanks, that felt goooood!


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23 Jul 2007, 9:18 pm

Yup! Scared here too. My ds was in a class for 3 years with the same teacher. But, this year- new teacher and new school. 8O Old teacher was a wonderful person and really tried to use the ideas I gave her (no diagnosis at the time). Don't know how this year will pan out yet.....

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23 Jul 2007, 9:27 pm

I wanted to go back to school this fall...but with my parents and they're clingyness I want out and SOON!
I donno what the hell will happen
school online maybe :P


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23 Jul 2007, 11:35 pm

I'm always terrified. I'm terrified that I won't make it through the summer. I'm freaking out over the new school year. He's technically enrolled in the special ed class but attends regular ed. For some reason, they don't want to pick/assign a teacher for him. So, I have to worry about it. Maybe I'll have to fight over it. Maybe it will be an award winning, lovely teacher. who knows?
On top of that, my therapist is pressuring me to get a job or take a class when he goes back to school. What if I don't have enough time for it?


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24 Jul 2007, 4:26 pm

Excited and terrified at the same time. It's been a lot to handle this summer with all three kids home and a bum foot that didn't allow me to to take them many fun places.

At least this year, we have a diagnosis, we have a before- school meeting with the new principal and I have been conversing with him via e-mail about DD's needs and requested special placement in a class with a child she already knows and is familar with since it's a brand new school, totally different environment. We are also right across the street from the new school, so if there's a problem, I'm a walk away. Also, the principal took 2 weeks of classes at the MIND institute about autism this past summer in preparation for the 2 autistic classrooms that will be at the school- for lower functioning autists.

I am nervous about my 5 y/o starting Kindergarden. He has not been diagnosed, but we highly suspect that he is also AS. He has been having some agression problems lately and has been hitting and puching his sisters a lot more. I hope that this does not carry over into Kindergarden. He was very well-behaved in Preschool classes, but never attended regularly. We'll see what happens.

I'm really excited to send of the 4 y/o to preschool at the school as well a few weeks after school starts. It's only 3 hours/day/4 days/week, but that's a little free time for me before we certify as foster parents and adopt another baby.


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24 Jul 2007, 8:53 pm

WOW Jennyfoo! I thought I was crazy busy! I am still trying to find out who my son's new teacher is going to be so I can meet with her before school starts or at least talk to her over the phone! The way it is set up here you don't know who your teacher is until the open house which is not a good time to talk to a teacher if your child has MANY needs, especially with all the other parents coming in and out etc. The teacher I am hoping to get was recommended to me because she is very structured, but everything still scares me, because you have to flexible with my child as well as structured and know when to do what! Our teacher last year was good, but I would have liked more communication, she was sometimes very hard to get a hold of and didn't always email you back. Of course now I know to have such things put in the IEP, but still, we all know how things still don't always get followed even though it is in the IEP. sigh. And my youngest (3 1/2) is being assessed by the school system now for autism (which will be AS or maybe PPD) and he will be going to preschool, as if I didn't feel sick enough!

NT mom of two ASD boys

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24 Jul 2007, 11:03 pm

new guy trying to learn a bit....
I'm a new step-dad (about a year now) to a 12 year old with AS getting ready to enter the 7th grade. She's asking that her mom or myself take her to school the first day and help find her classes with her. I've been amazed at how well she handles the teasing from her peers at school over the past year but wonder if walking her from class to class on day 1 of Junior High will just open the flood gates for another year of harrasment.
With how well she seems to deal with the common downfalls of having Asperger's, is there a reliable way to tell if she really is "dealing with it" and accepting that she just looks at things differently than other kids, or in denial or basically still naive.


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24 Jul 2007, 11:23 pm

is there a friend or a "buddy" that she could be teamed up with?? Also, I have heard of letting AS kids visit the school ahead of time and do a few "walk throughs" to figure out where their classes are so it won't be so wierd the first day. Also she could take notes to give her directions so that maybe she won't get lost that day since it can get so confusing when there are so many kids around. Worth checking into! Let us know how it goes!

NT mom of two ASD boys

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for everyone you meet is
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Emu Egg
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25 Jul 2007, 2:20 am

Yes I am very anxious about school starting up again in two weeks. Especially since last year didn't go so well for my son. This school isn't very cooperative and his teacher last year was horrible! I tried everything to communicate with her...notes to her, voicemails, etc..she never responded to me. And she let this one child in his class continually pick on him. I don't have a car to drive and I was pregnant and sick the whole last school year, so I wasn't able to do for him what I should have done. This year we get to meet the teacher before school starts and if I don't think she/he is right for my son then I am going to put him in a different class. Well good luck to all and I hope this school year is a good one for all of us.
