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20 Aug 2007, 10:34 pm

My mother refuses to believe that I have AS. I am trying to piece together which parts of my behaviour as a child might be common in kids with As.

I was controlling as a child, I am told...when I 'played' with other children I would want to control everything and got angry if I couldn't.

I could be very cruel with the things I would say to other children but not really have an awareness of the impact of my words.

I was naughty and didnt' seem to have any concept of how far was too far.

I spent a lot of time alone, reading, listening to music, talking to my cuddly toys, talking to imaginary friends.

I didn't crawl...I went straight to walking.

I liked to wear the same old tracksuit/jogsuit every day...and would get very angry if my mother tried to make me wear something I didn't like.

When angry I would throw things or shout that I hated whoever had made me angry...later as a teen, my reaction to being controlled was to break things given to me or to bang my head or hit myself.

I loved copying pictures and studying bird species and butterflies etc.

Grateful for anyone who can let me know if their aspie kids do any of these things.


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21 Aug 2007, 2:33 am

Yes, other aspie kids do things like that- most of those behavioes sound indicative of AS. My parents refuse to see that my daughter who is diagnosed with HFA is so very much like I was as a child. It can't possibly be THEIR genetics. LOL! It's as if they view it as a failing on their part that I have AS, that my brothers are dyslexic, etc. When you aren't the "perfect" child your parents envisioned, it can be very hard for them to accept.


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21 Aug 2007, 5:04 am


Have you ever tried to give your mother any literature to read about AS??

NT mom of two ASD boys

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21 Aug 2007, 7:31 am

I have tried talking about it, but in spite of telling me all these unusual things about me, and in spite of the fact I had to be moved to different schools frequently due to problems, she still insists I was a normal little girl and that all little girls get obsessed with things etc. It is infinitely frustrating as she continues to at times label me as being insensitive and difficult etc, not really attempting to understand why that is so. I mean, the irony is that she used to ask why I couldn't behave more normally, or dress more normally, yet she will not accept this in the slightest.


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21 Aug 2007, 7:31 am

Mum said I wasn't very interested in playing with other children. While I would play near them, I wasn't really interacting with them. I only got interested if they told me I couldn't play.

She also said from a very early age I would draw birds, birds, and more birds and had a fascination with collecting insects and other small creatures. I would take things very literally too.

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21 Aug 2007, 7:34 am

I can remember when I was very small... there was a sort of playhouse at kindergarten and I hated other children going in there.
I know the headteachers at my first school weren't happy because I could be aggressive.
I was always asking questions, apparently, like 'Does the snail die when it loses its shell?' and I loved words and letters. I had a fascination for the sounds of certain words like 'dog' and 'cat' and remember staring at the posters with them on the wall and repeating them in my head.
Teachers either loved me or hated me as I used to finish my work very fast then get up and help everyone else. Or I would talk all the time and disrupt everyone else. I was often separated lol.


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21 Aug 2007, 7:37 am

Mum said when I was 5, I plagued her for months about what dying and death meant. She could not believe that a kid that age would be asking those kinds of questions.

Most of the time, I wasn't outwardly agressive but had the occasional flare-up if pushed too hard. I got into some arguments because even at 5, I said pretend games were silly - "I only want to do real things".

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