Hi guys.
At the moment I am at the beginning of a project to promote awareness and prevention of bullying and Asperger's Syndrome with a psychologist Chris Szaday a friend of mine. It will be a book and DVD combined. I am looking to get contributions for it from people with Asperger's Syndrome (aged 10+) who have been bullied in the workplace, school or society in general.
I would like to get their/your story, how they dealt with the bullying, how they think AS contributed, strategies for dealing with bullying and promoting a safe and secure society for those with AS. Just first names are fine or a fake name if you feel more comfortable. If you know anyone or would like to be involved.
I would also be interested to hear from parents of Aspies who were bullied and I would like to get your story, how you dealt with the bullying of your son/daughter, how you think AS contributed, strategies for dealing with bullying and promoting a safe and secure society for those with AS.
Please send them to email address [email protected] as an attachment