I have four children, two biologically mine, two not. As far as biological children go, one is neurotypical, the other has ocd, anxiety, and deals with depression. My step children (their parent does have autism in their family, though they are not personally dx'd) has two children on the spectrum, both have anxiety issues, and one has adhd.
Autism does seem to run in my family (both my mom's and my dad's side, though neither of my parents are dx'd with autism). Two of my uncles are autistic, though one denies it since he doesn't believe in psychiatry. Several of my cousins are autistic as well as some of their children. I suspect that both of my grandfathers were autistic just never dx'd due to lack of severity. They would have met the criteria for aspergers had they been born in a time where you could get that dx. I also think genes play a part in this.