Pandora, you are right, of course. I just assume i'll be the support, as usual. Unless we can change things. Someone posted something on one of the boards about the dsm-iv changeing Aspergers dx to High Functioning Autism. In a lot of schools, that will enable kids with aspergers supports they've never had, and i see that as a good change.
But, what is available for adults is appalling. I'm lucky to have a parent group that has started near here to offer opportunities to people with disabilities. Unfortunately, unless you are on the lower range for IQ, or physically challenged in some way, the ADA wasnt written for you. That is the first thing we have to change. The ADA was written at a time when most people with mental challenges were referred to special schools, or group homes, or the parents trying to figure out what to do(some things never change...nor should they, but only the parent one).
This is a big enough place to get change made. Wrong Planet, i mean. Id personally like to see our Mental Health system revamped to offer more services through church groups. By services, i mean, someone coming in and helping with schedules, finances, makeing sure depression isnt a problem, etc. Depression might not be as big a problem if someone came to see those that are more homebound every once in awhile. I dont know how to fund the program, that is why i chose church groups....and to help them learn a little more about this population.
Are people with Aspergers or Autism, who are adults, comfortable accepting the Mentally Ill lable that comes with the DSM-IV? Getting comfortable with that, since it's the rule, is what it will take. Then the group becomes a much larger group not served under the ADA. Mental illness can be lifelong and debillitating. Why are the challenges not addressed anywhere????
sorry....2nd day of school and i needed to rant about anything, lol.