Smelena wrote:
My 9 year old flaps - we're happy for him to do it because it's soothing for him.
Our 7 year old used to turn the light on and off and on and off and on and off .... you get the idea. Now he runs around saying 'Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep'. That's fine because he's not very noisy.
Can you replace your daughter's noisy activities with something quieter. Maybe a light goes on, light goes off type of toy?
Otherwise can you invest in some wireless headphones or i-pod so you can drown out her noise with pleasant music?
My oldest son (16 with AS) appears to have headphones growing out of his ears, they are always with him and I allow it. He is a much happier person when he can block out the world at his own will. And he can fidget with the wire or ear pieces when he needs to. He also ALWAYS has a pocket and in that pocket is a fidget stone. He has discovered that he can stim when he needs to and it is fairly discreet.
When he was little he made a clicking sound with his tongue and his teeth, but he did grow out of it eventually. Thank goodness.