My aspie daughter (about to turn 4), while sometimes challenging, is the sunshine of my world. It wasn't always like that. We had bonding issus at first. She was not a cuddly baby, she lacked some of the reciprocity normal to mother-child bonding. She screamed instead of crying. She banged her head all the time and did things I had never seen a baby do. But now I know why. She has become an amazing little girl, much more affectionate, one of the most caring little people the world has ever seen, I think. And smart!
We do have challenges. If she has to wake at night to use the bathroom, she has meltdowns and will just cry uncontrollably and quite loud for reasons we cannot understand. No attempts will stop it, until she is done and back in bed. She HATES waking before she is ready. The other big one is communication. She takes things VERY literally, you can't use metaphor or silly sarcasm, she misses it totally. You have to speak very deliberately about something, just the facts, if you want her to learn it. Once she learns something though, she never forgets. You can even pull an outfit from her closet and she will tell you every place she ever wore it and something about what we did at that time.
She's just a gift, and I adore her. Like all things and all people, there are ups and downs.
They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.