As many of you already know, I have 2 Aspie sons, a 16 year old and a 13 year old. They are both well-behaved (now ) and good students, but neither one has ever had "friends" or a social life. I am used to them being at home and it is a comfort zone that I had come to appreciate. And of course one that had to end sooner or later.
School started for the new year 2 weeks ago here. My oldest son entered gr.11 and the youngest is alone in the middle school in gr. 8. Up until now he has always had at least one brother in the school with him, but this year he is making his own way. I was very concerned that he would not have any friends as he has always hung around with his older NT 14 year old brother and his friends. Imagine my surprise when I began receiving phone calls from school every day to see if he can go to his friends house, stay for the welcome dance at noon or stay to watch the volleyball game with his friends!! And 2 of these friends are GIRLS!! (Okay, not crazy about that part but a necessary evil, I suppose.) And he walks home from being with his friends by himself and he is never more that 15 minutes late for his curfew. I am so immensely proud. He just suddenly came into his own. I know that it may not last but for right now, I am basking in the achievement.
My oldest son has always been very shy and quiet, but made friends 2 years ago that he still has and still hangs out with. The surprise from him came today when I got home from work and he came and told me that he applied for a job!! He walked to the nearest Subway restaurant and just applied. He never even orders for himself!! I was dumbfounded! And still am, I think. Apparently he decided that due to some trouble that I am having at home, he would get a job so he can have money and I can deal with the issue at hand. It was amazing! And he sounded so matter of fact when he told me that we have been through hard times before and I got the boys through so this time he will help me to get us through it. Will I allow him to be depended on? No, but he will have his own money and something to be proud of if he does find a job!
Well, that's about it for the update. As usual, HOORAY FOR SMALL STEPS!! (or big ones in this case )!