Recently my husband and I sent some information on Asperger's to his mother. Hubby strongly suspects several people in his family have this and we felt the info would help her. I think it just confused her. During our lengthy conversation, she explained that hubby's social problems were likely caused by the way they were raised, not any disorder. Same with his father. She went on to explain that kids sometimes pretend they aren't listening to get attention. Sometimes they have "extra energy" they need to burn off and when she was a child they all played outside, unlike kids today. And all children are clumsy. She said she thinks things like this are over-diagnosed because parents and teachers don't want to deal with kids, so they give them pills until they're so calm they're half asleep.
I tried explaining the sensory aspect of it, she didn't seem to understand. I tried explaining that my children are *extremely* active and involved in many things, and have plenty of free play outdoors and at playgrounds. In fact, we spend little time in the house. I tried explaining that there is no pill for Asperger's and in fact getting our daughter the diagnosis was because we wanted to AVOID getting DD pumped full of Ritalin or branded a behavior problem.
I love my mother-in-law, she's a wonderful lady. She doesn't seem to understand this, however. I suspect she thinks I am one of those women who just can't be bothered with her kids so automatically I just find fault with normal behaviors. She lives hours away and doesn't observe my children but once or twice a year. She said to me, "I don't think the little one is ret*d." I said, "I don't either!" I explained that, while some forms of autism come with cognitive defeceits, Asperger's is more of a social struggle. She still equates AS with being mentally ret*d (forgive if I don't know the current PC word for it - I'm quoting - and I hate all the PC bullsh*t anyhow).
Hubby and I had hoped that the information would prove positive. He had hoped to gain more insight into himself as well. We're both feeling a bit disappointed with the outcome. How do you explain AS to people? Is everyone going to automatically assume our child is mentally ret*d if I tell them she has Asperger's? Or that I am because I have it? Or my husband? This is incredibly frustrating.
They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.