Sylvia wrote:
Thank you for understanding. I myself would never hit her, however, I do try other methods to get my message across. What would be a better way of doing this? Talking to her does not work all the time, as she tunes you out very quickly and more or less ignores you. What would get her attention quicker?
Tuning out and ignoring seems to be a typical response in all kids. 15 is an age I haven't dealt with in my Aspie, yet. I have found with Z that removal of priveleges or something he really wants often works best. You have to stick to your guns though and not give in. It takes a unified effort from both parents. We have found with Z that what works for a few days will soon lose its effectiveness so we are constantly involved in a game of "Creative Discipline" with him. I have also found out that long lectures don't work, sticking to short precise statements are better such as, "that's enough, fishing tomorrow is cancelled, you can stay home and clean up the dog poop instead". The problem is I can't go fishing either but have to stay home and make sure he scoops poop. That is the problem with sticking to your guns.
Overall, discipline is a matter of trial and error. Good luck
Aspies, the next step in evolution?