Yes, my son has had all of the above...although we are not super good on keeping him on a diet, he does have more problems when he eats/drinks milk/milk products and gluten...Also, he gets rashes on his knees, etc...when he eats well as dark undereye circles...
I have all the same, except at my age, nobody really bothered to see what was up...but again, everything my kiddo has, I have noticed that I also get...had many problems growing up...
My son was tested for allergies and he does have milk allergy...actually, around the same time he lost his speech was when he began drinking cow's milk...and almost 1 1/2 years later, they finally confirmed he was allergic to milk...
I know many people talk about kids who stop talking, etc...or regress...and I honestly feel that begining to drink cow's milk is a big contributor to this...of course, our government will never admit how harmful cow's milk is to us...