My wife insists that I am Aspie. I didn't take her seiously until I took the Aspie Quiz and the results indicated that I am very likely an Aspie. Looking back over my life of "not quite fitting in" I tend to think it may be true but at 58 I'm not going to bother getting a firm dx, too set in my ways I guess. We can't blame Z's Asperger's on me though because I became "Dad" when he was 5. However the traits we have in common does make it easier for me to understand and deal wit him even though he is more Aspie than I am. I'm sure it is interesting to watch when we both hit meltdown status at the same time. Fortunately I've learned to be aware when this is about to happen and how to control it, but I've had decades to practice.
I wouldn't let learning you are Aspie after your child is dxd be a cause for guilt or shame. We haven't yet begun genetically designing our children and I hope we never do. There are times when I think about the Aspies I'm getting to know that I more than half believe my own signature. Love your child as much as you can and help him survive and succeed in this mixed up world. It can be fun, particularly when you don't do it in a conventional way.
Enjoy, we are a wonderful developing species!
Aspies, the next step in evolution?