Cooper wrote:
Taking fiber solutions like Metamucil or Citrusel is OK, as they just add more fiber to keep your colon running. It's stimulant laxatives like Ex-Lax that can create "lazy" or dependent colons.
Thank you Cooper for the more precise definition. I should have said
stimulant laxatives instead of
stool softeners. It's the same principle as sleep aid medications. Over the long run, the effect is the opposite. Metamucil and Citrusel don't even belong in the same category as Ex-Lax even though they're all looked to for constipation relief.
As to how much magnesium one takes, I should have mentioned that the increased dosage should not be over a prolonged period of time (like weeks into months). It doesn't take long before the effects of magnesium on the stool show up. After the stool movement becomes more healthy, then obviously one should begin to decrease the dosage level until he finds the minimum amount necessary to keep the proper stool movement going. Most soil from which our food comes from (in the US anyhow) is deficient in magnesium, which naturally will lead to in imbalance of nutrients within our bodies.
Everyone should be sensitive to their own body's reaction to changes in their diet and use that knowledge for long-term decisions that may develop into habits. I know I am, but I don't know how many other people are. It's easy to forget about being careful to not make assumptions about other people in general (maybe I'm beginning to have Alzheimer's disease?).
"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2