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18 Oct 2007, 3:59 pm

I spoke to J's teacher the other day about J spending an afternoon in her class crying, and him telling me she wasn't around. She informs me that she was around, she said that she seen him crying her words"for absolutly no reason, she asked him why he was crying and he wouldn't tell her. She said this was strange because he usually talks to her. She thought oh well if your not gunna tell you can just sit there. I told her that he told me that he didnt think she was in the room, she went very quiet. ( I wonder why)
We spoke about a number of things include J's apparent possible sensory sensory issues. I told her that J doesnt appear to like loud noise or lots of noise, he raises his hands to the sides of his head, she said oh yeah I have seen him do that, I told her I think he has issues with smells, I explained a recent incident. We spoke about his social issues, her words were J gets an idea in his head and he wont let it go it's like he is obssesed, where as the other kids spend 10 minutes on something then move on to something else". She then when on to say he is extremely sensitive, but he does seem to be intellectually advanced from the other kids he spurts out random facts and she doesnt know where he gets his information from.

Why Why why does it take these situations to find out what is going on with my child!! When I first mentioned the screening to her she said " Oh I have worked with kids on the spectrum I think I would have noticed" A few days later she was handing me a leaflet on aspergers. I'm confused. I'm also annoyed that she has observed certain behaviours and had I not brought certain issues up with her I would never have know that they were happening in her class room.
I'm also scared because both J's teacher and the vice principle told me right at the start of the evaluation process that J would not be entitled to an aide. I think alot of the social issues could be avoided or helped if he had someone with him to act as a guide or a buffer, obviously she is to busy.
I'm seriously thinking I may have to move him to another school, I will need lots of advice from his doc's on this though. J doesnt cope to well with change. Just going back to school after two weeks holidays, had him having nightmares, sucking on his inner arm again twriling his hair etc.
Any ways thanks for listening guys any words of wisdom welcome. :)


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18 Oct 2007, 4:17 pm

One thing that is important to sort out (for your information and for discussing with the school) is the difference between "Least Restrictive Environment" (LRE)and "adequate education". The district is required to teach your son in the LRE. If he is failing, refusing to go to school, unable to stay in class due to lack of accomodation, etc, then he is not being accomodated according to the law.

When you bring up your son's "needs" the school staff will tell you they are providing "adequate education"-another requirement. You need to explain how the "adequate" part isn't at issue, it's the accomodation to remain in the classroom. If he is doing so poorly that you feel pressured to move him, then they are not educating him in the least restrictive environment. This is to promote "mainstreaming" and prevent unnecessary segregation due to disability.
You should also have an evaluation of the class environment (and your son's fitness inside of it) done by a school psychologist. They should be able to reinforce your concerns and help coach the school staff in dealing with your son. He may not need an aide.


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18 Oct 2007, 7:03 pm

It is amazing to me how many teachers "have worked with children on the spectrum" but have no clue how to deal with them. Cor and I have been inviting Z's teachers to visit here. Maybe a few of them will begin to get a real perspective of what we as mere parents have to deal with. Ya think?

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