ixochiyo_yohuallan wrote:
I don't think that all autistic or AS people have had a birth trauma, though. There is no evidence of it in many cases of autism, and the fact that the parents of autistic children very often show prominent autistic-like traits seems to be more in favor of the genetic theory.
I definitely didn't think that all spectrum people have had birth trauma. I'm leaning much more toward the genetic explanation. I'm just trying to figure out if I have it or not (I'm kind of thinking so, although my wife isn't so sure) and if I passed it on to my son. I experienced no birth trauma, but my son needed an emergency c-section and wasn't breathing and didn't have a heartbeat when he came out. They revived him but he was without oxygen for a minute or two. Now, at six, he's an extremely gifted child but is definitely an Aspie (we're working on the diagnosis). So now I'm wondering if I'm an Aspie as well (I scored 137 on the Aspie quiz: "most likely as Aspie") and if
I'm the source. Perhaps I should just stop thinking about all of this and just make sure our son gets what he needs. Aaaaargh!