We just started teaching him sign language, and he seems to be willing to use it. So far (since we started at Halloween) he can sign "candy", lol, and "up". He understands the signs for eat, up, down, hungry, socks, shoes, pants, shirt and hug. We have a DVD (Signing Time) on it's way.
His speech is delayed. He's turning two next month and he basically hasn't progressed since he turned one. He has about 7 words. Very very recently, within the past week or two, he has begun to show interest in words more. Up until now, there has been no imitation (he smiles or ignores you if you tell him "Say cat!" or the like) and he has never imitated tone. We just want to get him communicating so he isn't so terribly frustrated. I'm hoping now that he has interest, it will work better.
Now he sits in front of his Baby Einstein show and when they say "BOAT", he will babble something fairly close in length to the word boat...though it sounds nothing like boat and is not said in the same tone as the narrator said it. But it's progress, and I'm excited about it!
They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.