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19 Nov 2007, 8:26 am

any parents waiting for dx.Our 11 had an appointment with camhs on mon 12th he was refered there by a peadetrician who says there is nothing wrong with him apart from a little depressed even though he fits the bill as far as asd is concerned.Because he has no official dx he gets no supprt at school been labelled from nursery as naughty and its followed him right the way through school.School admits he gets bullied but say he brings it on himself as he should try to fit in better! He crys when he comes home from school because eveyone hates him.He is excluded from a lot of group work at school because the other children dont want him in their group.For example in drama he is made to sit aside and read a book.He says if the teacher forces others to work with him they make up stories so he is removed that makes him angry he sometimes lashes out and obviously gets in more trouble.If he gets hit im told he irritated the other child.I honestly dont know what to do.The only good thing about school seems to be the fact that academically he is very bright and mostly behaviour is good in lessons he got level 5 in all his sats.I just hate to see him so unhappy any advice would be appreciated


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19 Nov 2007, 2:36 pm

I wanted to cry when I read your post. It all sounds very familiar (the school stuff that is, and their attitude to my almost 9 year old)

I'm in Australia so I dont know what the place is that you are talking about, and I wasn't sure if this place had said he was just a little depressed or if it was the pead? Either way you need to become a spokesperson/advocate for your son. Go somewhere else if you have to. I'm not saying just to look for someone to agree with you but find someone to help. A little depressed can turn into a lot depressed even if thats all thats going on. From what you've said about school I wouldn't blame him being depressed either.
My almost 9 year old is in the elvaluation process now we are going into week 13, it is a long very tireing process, I have had my eyes opened, I am seeing things that are aparently not "normal" ( excuse my french) that I had just accepted. I have had to disect every part of my sons life. The internet has educated me to alot of the lingo, and explained a lot. Lol a crash course in my kid.
My boys school haven't been supportive at all, they tell me he is fine and treat me like Im paranoid or looking for differences, but then when I ask them specific stuff, they say that yes he does do this or no he doesn't do that. Its frustrating. But its your sons life my sons life and not just a job and its worth it, they are worth the extra effort.
Get a second, third, fourth opinion but dont give up.
Sorry for rambling on. :wink: Good luck

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Nov 2007, 4:47 pm

My heart breaks for you and your child! No child should have to endure being bullied and the teacher should know better than to set him aside!! ! I think the teachers at your son's school need a solid kick in the pants! I'm hoping good things for him; can you get him to another school near you? Things are getting better for my son since I discovered my (loud) voice and the forums here can help you do that. Good luck to you