ADHD, remember, fall under the AS category for symptoms--this is nebulous.
One behaviorist wants to call it "cluster symptoms" rather than an ASD --adhd, ocd, anxiety GAD--you name it. Anything to skirt around that autism label.
I would be careful with tacking on additional labels. Why not just AS? If you review the symptoms, you're sure to find impulsivity and attention issues.
ADHD will the be the first thing to catch educator's eye because, honestly, it's been around longer and is easier to understand. Aspergers/pdd-nos etc are more complex and more difficult to pin down but very important to be understood properly. Many educators/professionals, I'm finding are not educated enough with ASD's or Aspergers and they either disregard the diagnosis or misinterpret it to their liking. I find myself educating/advocating to the point of tedium.
The more parents insist upon the true diagnosis of AS/PDD-NOS, the sooner educators will be forced to educate themselves through a mandated training or more than likely parent training.
My ds has major attention issues but they are mostly internal distractions rather than external. This is important to note. On the other hand, he does note many details around him that other kids can ignore especially if it's too quiet and there is a slight noise.