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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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28 Nov 2007, 4:41 am

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if other children (or adults) talk to themselves (audibly) much? My son chats away and I'm used to it and I reallly like it :) .

Today my son and I were shopping and we were in one of those hippy shops that sell sparkly things and knick knacks and Indian cushions and he was having a great time, chatting away and exploring.

The woman behind the counter said to me, 'it's a worry that your son is talking to himself'. I answered that as long as he answers himself back then I'm happy. She paused then said, 'well actually I talk to myself too sometimes, you know, shopping lists and stuff'. And I said, 'gee you're weird'. I didn't really, I just smiled and said 'yeah, me too', and my son and I continued on our way.

Has this sort of thing - people commenting - happened to anyone else?



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28 Nov 2007, 5:18 am


There is at least one other thread about this.
If I find it, I'll post a link for you to check out.

Some folks talk, some hum, some grunt and make other noises... I do all three of those! :D

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28 Nov 2007, 5:34 am

Here's one
--->Talking to myself a lot

Here's one with a poll
--->Do you talk to yourself? - Poll

Read and enjoy! :D

fides solus
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Blue Jay
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28 Nov 2007, 5:43 am

I talk to myself constantly. I live alone, and my daughter is raised,and my partner passed away, there is no one around to criticise me and make me feel weird about it, but neither one of them ever judged me for it anyway, I think they just accepted me for who I am, and my daughter still very much approves of me... He loved me and she loves me and it's ok, see what I mean?It helps me organize my thoughts, and I've always done this, and probably always sometimes happens at work but I always catch myself doing it and consciously stop myself, but only because others would judge me as insane for doing it. I can honestly say, I do it non stop now that I live alone if I need to organize my thoughts and work out a problem...besides, my four dogs love it when I talk to myself, I think they think I am talking to them, and actually sometimes I am talking to them! :D They love the sound of my voice and I love the look they get in their eyes. I sing to them all of the time too, and play the mandolin and sing for them, and they are a wonderful audience. What can I say? I am at peace with the way I am. 8)


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28 Nov 2007, 7:04 am

we all talk to ourselves around here


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28 Nov 2007, 7:39 am

No, I do not ever talk to myself.

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28 Nov 2007, 12:08 pm

Yeah, I talk to myself all the time, (although usually not in public). I don't see anything wrong with it- I mean, loads of kids chat to imaginary friends or toys, so what's the difference? The way I see it is, if you're used to peers ignoring you or thinking you're weird, it's nice to have a conversation with someone on the same wavelength...


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03 Dec 2007, 1:26 am

a lot of times i do blurt out dialogue, mostly from TV shows and movies, and i got screamed at from my parents a lot.


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03 Dec 2007, 3:13 am

all the time

Blue Jay
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03 Dec 2007, 4:14 am

Thanks for all your replies and thanks wsmac for the links!

My son does dialogue and monologue - it depends what fantasy game he's playing.

It's good to know he's in good company :D !



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03 Dec 2007, 11:30 am

I used to talk to myself a lot when I was a kid. And it wasn't just monologues, but real conversations with questions and answers. It's almost like I was giving myself what other people were denying me.

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03 Dec 2007, 12:03 pm

When I was growing up, I watched my father talk to himself all the time. He was extremely intelligent and he used to joke around by saying "It's the only way I can guarantee having an intellictual (sp?)conversation with someone" lol.

It's a running joke between my husband and I because I have always talked to myself. I couldn't figure out why he thought it was a strange thing to do, while to me it was normal. I actually envision having a convo with someone and go thru the body motions too. I kinda space out when I do it, but I know no ones actually there, I just enjoy going thru the process of the convo.

I do think my father was an Aspie, but I, well no. I do have alot of traits, but I think thats it.



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03 Dec 2007, 4:39 pm

I also talk to myself a lot, its funny i literally have conversations with myself, everybody around me is use to it lol.

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03 Dec 2007, 8:58 pm

same here. I talk to myself but try not to---sometimes it is unavoidable, especially when I'm stressed, upset about something.


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03 Dec 2007, 9:49 pm

If anyone kept a tally they'd quickly find I tend to talk more to myself than i have with anyone else.

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04 Dec 2007, 8:59 am

I used to talk to myself, because nobody else would listen to my problems. I don't anymore, because I have a group of friends and we all talk to each other about our problems. It used to be that I was the only person, who wanted to hear about my problems, until the day that I've moved into my apartment. After that day, I've connected with a small group of friends, and we take turns talking about our concerns.

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