collywobble wrote:
We are having problems with our son sometimes pinching and hitting teachers when they ask him to do something he does not want to do (usually involves either writing, school assembly, or PE). Also, if he gets told off and feels there has been an injustice he has taken to pushing tables and chairs over in class.
Are Aspergers kids usually this agressive?
But don't go looking for a cause to hard, because sometimes it's hard to find one. I'm AS, and I spent most of my life (until a few years ago) angry. And it was at unreasonable things, I knew they were unreasonable, but I couldn't do anything about it. My kid has the same problem. I take meds, and they work. He doesn't even take antibiotics if he's sick (unless you either force them down his throat or they give him a shot).
Otherwise, he controls it by just "stuffing" the anger. I don't think it works for him. It never worked for me. I did it, but it was hard. But don't confuse "aggressive" with violent. There is absolutely no reliable statistical evidence to support the violence connection....even though the schools would sometimes have you believe that there is. I don't know if he can "work it out," because he might not be doing it in response to anything that he understands himself. It's a problem. But it's not one you can always do anything about, unless you're willing to give him medication, and that has its own problems.
Not much help, but a little perspective.
Good Luck.