My 9 y/o AS DD started taking Zoloft about 2 weeks ago. No, she's not depressive or anything, but neither am I. I am AS also and seem to have a mild form of bipolar disorder. My DD was also having insomnia issues and her anxiety levels and meltdowns seemed cyclical in nature, so we decided to try Zoloft since it's worked so well for me.
She's like a new kid. Well, not really, but we've been meltdown free for an entire week, she's more mellow, she doesn't freak out and get stressed out about everything. The Zoloft has taken her down a notch, much as it did for me. she's still very defiant, a know-it-all, and all the other AS traits, but she's less stressed and more mellow. It's wonderful. Because she's more mellow, she's getting along better with her NT sister who bugs her to no end- a very pesky little sister for sure- and her little brother as well. She just seems happier.
So yes, AS can not be cured, but there are medications out there that can help with certain symptoms of AS such as anxiety and even sensory input issues. "A" told me today that she feels better taking the pills and feels less crazy. LOL!