People often say to me, "oh, S is very smart, but if he's Asperger's, that goes hand in hand, doesn't it?"
I thought that too, that there was a propensity for AS people to have at least an above-average IQ but it's not quite as simple as that. My son is clearly very intelligent, and people have been telling me this for years. I didn't agree at first, scared to be accused of seeing things that weren't there. But when he came out as gifted in an IQ test at 5 years 1 month, it was apparent to me that was was indeed a smart cookie.
However, in his testing for AS, the psych gave him a cognitive test of course, and the full-scale IQ came out at 13 points lower than the one 3.5 years ago. So he went from gifted to high average. Same test - Weschler - but for different ages so things that were tested varied.
The psych was a bit surprised but said it wasn't uncommon for AS children to show such a variance in IQ scoring, as the brain development in AS children is atypical and tests don't take that into account.
He was accelerated a year in school this year - due to an interstate move mid-year.....Gr 3 in QLD is the same as Gr 2 in VIC, but they don't put kids in grades according to the curriculum, they do it according to their current grade-level......not always a good thing. So he was a year younger than the others in his new Gr 3 class the second half of 07. However, he still managed to get the top marks in the end of year Maths and Science exams for his grade. That got him a cool plasma ball LOL.
He does poorly in creative writing, something at which his Gr 4 teacher and I will continue to look. I'm not that fussed as I was crap at that subject at school as well, but am a decent writer now, at least when writing about what I know, and don't have to invent it.