Hi and welcome.
I also have 3 kids. My nine year old has HFA.
He is a wonderfull, unusual and gifted boy, and he has taught me to be very, very patient! This is for a great part because he also has ADHD and temporal lobe epilepsy.
Having a child with autism/AS is a gift and a great learning experience, but it can also be hard work, as it involves a lot of thought and can mean a great change in lifestyle, to the less spontaneous and extensively planned.
Autism and Aspergers are now topics I am very interested in, and use a great deal of time studying.
It has surprised me how little other parents talk to me about my son's autism - with exception of other parents with autistic kids.
We received many evil stares when my son was younger, but as he grew it became evident to others that he is a little different... special mannerisms and a singular way of speaking...
What do you study, by the way?
We parents would LOVE to hear your story... could be inspirational