ALL4VLADI wrote:
So yeaterday after school a new bus operator shows up, Vladi does NOT recognize him so he does not get on the bus. [.....] So after 15 agonizing moments of crying and worry they find him all by HIMSELF in the front of the ungated school Waiting for his bus!!
LOL, not to laugh at what happened, but to laugh at myself for having done similar things a couple of times.
September 1992 - I'm standing outside in a raincoat during a thunderstorm, looking very stupid, the bus is late, when it finally pulls up, it's a different bus and different driver. I don't want to get on, but I have the presence of mind to ask if it was the right bus. He assures me it is and I get in.
A few of the eighth graders sitting up near the front jeered me for that one.
A year later, the bus I rode home changed it's route, it no longer went to my school, but to the high school instead where all the junior high and high school kids loaded up.
One afternoon I waited outside the school for 30 minutes for my bus to arrive, watching all the other kids get on the shuttles that came. Since my routine was to get on my bus, and not one of the shuttles, all the buses came and took everyone off. I was left all alone outside. Finally 30 minutes later, one of the kids who was a perpetual bully to me came out of the school and approached me and asked me what I was doing standing all alone out on the side at 3:30pm.
"I'm waiting for the school bus" I told him.
He responded by shoving me to the ground and calling me an idiot that the buses were long gone by then.
As for Vladi - I bet when he was fianlly "found" he was pretty confused about the fact that people were looking for him.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...