princetizoc wrote:
That is so cute. I think kids should do whatever makes them feel good, even if other people don't get it. It was nice to hear your story since my son does not really talk. I know he has "his" reasons for all he does. Thanks for sharing.
That is my philosophy, too. Kids (or anyone in general) should do whatever it is that makes them feel good (as long as it's not hurting someone else), no matter what. I do, and I am positive I look like the biggest dork alive sometimes, and I say to myself, "Don't fret, you're probably never going to see these people ever again...."
My son did not talk until he was about 2.5 - 3 years old. It was a hard time. Grunting, frustrations (banging his head on the wall), tears (mostly from me
) - "Come on , Buddy, just say it." - that's pretty much how it looked for awhile there. But even if they're quiet from their mouths, they scream from other places.