aurea wrote:
I would ! !! !! ! I would ask anyone and everyone until a full assesment had been done.
We have a family history of epilepsy, my older sister had it, she hasn't hada seisure in years though.
My son mostly just does this weird thing where he will stare off and his eyes roll to one side and back, his legs go wobbly and he often falls into us or the ground or stumbles. This usually only happens I think when he is stressed or extremely tired. He has on occasion complained of feeling really scared for no reason just prior or de ja vu. He has also said things like he feels weird, or his head feels funny, his brain feels funny, he has complained of feeling sick and feeling funny without the eye roll thing. I havent noticed him do the eye roll, stumbling thing for a few weeks now. Does any of this sound like seisures?
When he was a baby he had a full blown convulsion which the doc's put down to another medical issue, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe a combination of both.
Sorry I've hijacked your post.
Yeah. IANAD (I Am Not A Doctor), but all of that sounds like simple partial and complex partial seizures. I would definitely get him checked out. Being tired or stressed are two of the most common triggers of seizures.
Those actually sound like a lot of my seizures, and my daughter's. I have temporal lobe epilepsy. A simple partial seizure, also called an aura, involves just one part of the brain. That can be a funny feeling, deja vu, etc. A complex partial involves more than one part of the brain, but not the whole brain. That can involve a weird smell that's not there, an inability to speak and/or understand the spoken word, auditory hallucinations (I hear a Beatles' song), etc.
I think it's all fascinating.
That stuff sounds like seizures to me. There's a good chance that his seizures could be controlled with meds. You need to find out because otherwise, he won't be able to drive when he gets older.
OK, I'm done now.