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02 May 2008, 3:31 pm

Wish me luck.
What a week. Preparing for the IEP, preparing for my husband to move out, school functions, trying to exercise. Good lord, too much!

I guess tomorrow we're going to tell Pop that Dad is moving out. He has no idea. I've been dropping hints about changes, that I'm going to look for work and he may be getting babysitters. The apartment complex that Husband is moving into has pools and Pop loves apartments/hotels.

So, we've prepared for the IEP and I'm just nervous. Husband was going to go but we decided that I should go. I'm taking notes.


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02 May 2008, 3:35 pm

Good luck!! !! ! You've certainly got your hands full.

P.S try to put in something fun or relaxing for yourself in that list of things to do.


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03 May 2008, 4:50 pm

i think it's important to let the school know about Pop's dad, if you haven't's helpful to have staff that are prepared for possible escalation in negative behaviors


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03 May 2008, 8:19 pm

The meeting was, well, confrontational. I think it went alright, considering. I got tough with some of the important things and they got away with some other things. I was going to tell the teacher but the end of the meeting crumbled apart with everyone leaving and barely saying goodbye. It was weird. I'm due over there Monday anyways so I'll tell her then.

BTW, we told Pop today and he seemed to take it well. We went over there and hung out and bought supplies. There are things there that Pop really likes, like pools, he likes "hotel atmosphere" and it's a second home.
I think it's going to hit him in waves with Husband not being here during the work week. But I know he will enjoy spending time over there.

When I have more time, I'll write about the IEP meeting.


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04 May 2008, 7:16 am

my aspie hubby went through his parents seperating when he was in 6th grade.....he and his mom moved 13 states away from his dad......he didn't like the change & upheaval it caused, but he liked that the new place had a pool!


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04 May 2008, 1:43 pm

ster wrote:
my aspie hubby went through his parents seperating when he was in 6th grade.....he and his mom moved 13 states away from his dad......he didn't like the change & upheaval it caused, but he liked that the new place had a pool!

When my parents divorced in 5th grade i had to see the guidance counselor every week - that was the only negative thing about the divorce, having to go see the lady the "crazy" kids went to.

The divorce didn't effect me at all. Well i was happy that I wouldn't have to see my mom every day but I knew better to say that. Other than that I took everything in stride. Of course, I've never been close to either of my parents in the first place so that might have been part of it. I don't regret cutting them out of my life as an adult


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04 May 2008, 6:05 pm

Pop is very attached to both of us and probably more emotionally attached to Husband. He's only 3 miles away now and I'm sure he'll visit even on his work days.


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05 May 2008, 5:23 am

hopefully things will go smoothly.