I was contemplating at great depth the other day how many of the mystics in all traditions in the past, felt the world to be a rotten place, and somehow there was something spiritual about renouncing it, and proclaiming their difference.
I don't think the mystical tradition rejects the world as
rotten, just as illusory and addictive, in that we get so caught up in the material world we forget that we're something
more than merely physical. The motivation for renouncing it is an attempt to consciously separate one's actual self from the
role one is playing
within the game
lotusblossom wrote:
I like what Thich Naht Hanh says "I am a wave on the crest of the ocean, the wave does not die it returns to the sea" I think that idea of us all being waves on a big connecting ocean is great, we are all organs of the earth - all joined together.
Beautiful analogy. I'd take it a step furthur: we are all droplets cast up from the waves of the ocean. The span of our lives, the moment that our individual droplet hangs suspended in the air. Our separation from the whole a brief illusion.