I had to laugh when I saw this topic!

My overall nature is shy and quiet but I've always had a sometimes shocking ability to be bossy. I recall being 6 years old and making a girl stand in the corner because she'd done some minor thing that I'd found extremely annoying for some reason, I forget what. As a child, I basically only hung out with kids who would fall in line with whatever I wanted to do at any given time; kids who wanted give-and-take were avoided (kind of embarrassing to admit, but true.)
Now, my bossiness also comes out in situations where I feel that I have more knowledge about something than others (i.e. something I've studied or experienced), and I get impatient and/or want to "help" avoid errors; I've noted a certain intellectual arrogance often rears its head in Asperger's (unfortunately, I'm guilty of this, too

). Also, if someone I care about is scared or lacking confidence, I tend to "take control" (get bossy) to make them feel safe and secure. I'm also likely to boss if something has made me angry, especially if I feel powerless about avoiding the cause.
In any case, your post definitely rang a bell with me; I can't say your daughter's the only one.