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26 Jul 2008, 12:56 pm

My psychologist is so wonderful. I don't know if you read about the speech path and how she said some things I completely disagreed with. Her whole understand of certain things is completely off based. Also, during testing the intern stated, "Oh, he is left handed, he must be right brained." I wanted to tell her to keep her trap shut because that whole theory is being debunked. That is a very simplistic answer to an extremely complex issue - the brain.

So, I did end up write three long emails to the clinical psych. Again, I am a school psych and felt the speech path was playing psych. She stated to me that on one of the tests, Nate didn't understand the concept yet he did and the way he completed the task was appropriate for being only four. Another time she stated that he lacked problem solving skills yet his nonverbal/spatial reasoning problem solving skills kicks my butt and can kick hers.

My husband and I had a consult with the psych a few days ago. I had an outline with many questions and why I didn't agree with her from a psych perspective. I also brought up that he was clearly different when he was tested by her compared to him. He first told me that he was the head of the clinic and she is still learning. He stated that he reviewed the tapes and agreed with me. Nate is developmentally appropriate with certain activities involving problem solving if not about his developmental level.

One time when I was giving a bath to my other son at a year old, Nate stated "He is looking at you as though he is thinking, what are you doing to me mommy?" I thought that showed he can put himself in other peoples shoes or at least have some understand. I gave the speech path some other examples and she stated, "He MUST have heard that somewhere because there is NO WAY he could have come up with that." I explained that those were new situations and he really said that. She argued.
I told this to the psych and he disagreed with what she said and explained that Nate was saying that according to his perspective of what he would be feeling. Never the less, I thought it was good. I agree a little with the psych. I am still not 100% convinced yet. I agree with most things he says.

I guess right before the meeting, he showed her what I wrote and she was really surprised at my knowledge level. I guess she is a little intimidated now. At least that is what he said. I don't give a flying crap about that!! I just don't want other people who don't know what I know to get the correct knowledge. A lot of people who don't know much about it will take what she and others who don't know a lot or have strange theories/explanations at face value. Then those parents will tell the world about it because they have very limited knowledge about the subject. That is what irritates me. Wrong information. Then we have to go back and education those people who think they are right because someone else told them that information. I also want the speech intern to keep her trap shut and not act like she is all knowledgeable. She just finished school. I think a lot of younger generation Y ers are like that (younger generation Yers). No offense but it's just what I noticed.

Another thing she says is that Nate is DEFICIENT in the certain areas in which he is developmentally appropriate in. He does think differently and lacks skills when it comes to pragmatics as clearly demonstrated by the tests. He is probably in the 1st percentile on those tests as he couldn't perform some yet he is probably in the 99th% on some others. So, when I told the psych that, he became a little upset and said, WE DON'T EVER use the word deficient here and they know that. We say difference. He has a difference not a deficiency. I told him that they need more training in the vocabulary they use. He agreed. He also said that she denied saying those things to me and that I misunderstood. Bull crap. I know what she said and I told him.

She is good at social skills training and speech/language testing but her knowledge of actual psych stuff (she gave the RDI - relationship development inventory) needs a lot of help. She is not a psychologist.

I am so HAPPY that I found a wonderful psychologist. I met other kids who were in their getting social skills training and they are all high functioning like Nate. He would fit in so well there. This psychologist treats kids at their level. He stated that he was also a quirky kid and misunderstood which is the reason why he got into the field. I wonder if he is Aspergers. I doubt it but the way he said it made me think that he could be. That would be so wonderful if he is but I may never know.

He is doing a research study (almost finished and will be published in two months) on the neurological differences between HFA and AS. There are differences, which would help in the educational planning. I am excited to read the results.

He told me that the myths associated with AS being higher intelligence that HFA is being proven wrong, although there is a larger percentage of HFA individuals who are across the board in intelligence. He is still trying to figure out if my son is HFA or AS. He clearly evidences both. He is VERY skilled at all nonverbal/spatial reasoning tasks - almost savant like. His fine motor skills are very high. He was able to eat with a spoon at age 10 months and never got any food on his face (hated getting dirty). Yet he has the pedantic seamless speech patterns often indicative of AS.

Sorry, I can go on forever and if you are still reading - congrats. I am writing this more for me, kind of like a diary.

I feel very lucky to have found this psych. I know he will become more well known in the Autistic community as he is just starting to get published!! I know you all would love him!


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26 Jul 2008, 2:52 pm

I read your post w/ interest - good that you found the proper psychologist.

Just to claify: There is diagnostic overlap with Asperger's and HFA. However, be aware high-functioning = high-functioning. This implies those who are autistic, regardless of Dx (which may be interpretative, in some respects) can certainly be cognitively enhanced. For instance, I am technically a HFA, by Dx. I have a measured IQ of 160+. Many/most Aspies consider themselves partly NT and this is a valid assessment; there is a range of AS as well. Those that are HFA, like myself and some others here on WP, can be just as gifted as any other; Dx is actually independent of intelligence.

I realize some diagnosticians may not quite clarify this well since they explain the phenotypical manifestation or that which is known statistically, as a trend! Remember individually the given Dx has no bearing on IQ and/or cognition.

I am 100% autistic; I lack Theory of Mind, for instance (big clue)! Theory of Mind is still the crux of autism despite philosophical/semantic debate over it's validity.

I am at the PhD level (at University) in neuroscience, firstly a chemist. I earn my way as a researcher in this field. The medical professional is a clinician. Whilst clinician can be skilled and a great resource, they (should) rely upon the science. In practice, this doesn't always work. But science = truth and deviation results in inevitable error.

About Nate - he seems quite gifted! And a gift. True, those with autism (high-functioning &/or AS) - diagnostically blurry, can be neurologically slow to develop! But he will. Many HFAs (A. Einstein is forensically Dxed as HFA, btw) are slower in acquiring certain skills, but when it happens, IT HAPPENS! I attended a formal presentation this Friday (7.25) by a Nobel Laureate (from the States - neuroscience/chemistry lecture) - he got a 'D' in high school chemistry. I didn't speak until I was 3.5 years old. I do have some savant abilities, such as flash counting. Previously, 'professionals' erroneously though only 'lower-functioning' autistics had savant abilities - No! Innumberable examples.

Nate's gift is known to you and you've shared with your psychologist - this is as it should be. A good psychologist can 'put the pieces together' by observation and reason. A good psychologist, such as yours, will publish. And be current on those peer-reviewed science journals. Those who don't, for whatever reason (lack of motivation?) fall behind.

Keep us updated - hi to Nate too. I think Nate might be teaching outsiders about autism such by being Nate! natesmom, I am happy you are a Wrong Planet inhabitant so you share from your perspective. Sometime, if you want to, have you considered bringing in some Wrong Planet 'show & tell' to your psychologist? He might be really interested! Show him who/what Autists are. There is beauty in autism.

Being autistic is hard.....I have screaming/crying meltdown moments. But it's also my gift and I wouldn't do without. (Sort of a PM, but did you watch my video clip? URL in my signaure - might make Nate's experience more tangible).

Nate is lucky to have parents who have this interest! Good luck.

The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown


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26 Jul 2008, 9:20 pm

natesmom wrote:
I wonder if he is Aspergers. I doubt it but the way he said it made me think that he could be. That would be so wonderful if he is but I may never know.

I feel this way about the teacher my son had for both 3rd and 5th grades. I never asked; he never offered. But I have always and will always feel that the man was a very good role model for my child. They were so much alike, in so many ways.

I am glad that you have a good psychologist. It helps a lot.

And I did read it all. I don't really have many comments, but I read it.

Best of luck.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).