Pandora wrote:
I'm an adult aspie and I still find that I've usually "had enough" after a couple of hours or so at another place. If it is very noisy, hot, smelly, or whatever - the time is shorter. Mum doesn't remember my behaving worse after a time when I was visiting other kids years ago but in some ways, I think the aspieness has got a bit worse in recent times.
The best explanation I can give for aspie kids misbehaving, getting upset etc. after being at another child's place for more than a certain time is they just get "peopled out" and want to retreat to their own space at home. They'll often start showing signs of being fractious, such as getting teary, argumentative etc. and that is the time to say the goodbyes. Even NT kids get overtired and crabby if they have been out for too long.
Thanks for pointing this out. Sometimes I just can't see any other point of view, especially when I am frustrated.