consmom wrote:
My 3rd grade son was dxed a month ago by a ped. neurologist with mild aspergers. The school won't accept it and they don't want to evaluate him.
My understanding is the school
has to do an evaluation if the parent requests one. I was told to put the request in writing and send it by registered mail. This way, you have proof that you made the request and proof that they received it. They have certain time frames they have to follow so you should receive a consent to evaluate form to sign and return and then the clock starts ticking.
If, after receiving your written request, they still refuse to evaluate, I'd contact your state's Department of Education to ask for their recommendation on what to do. With the DOE behind you, you may get results.
If not.....I learned early on that having an advocate present at every team meeting can be a sanity saver. I won't attend a team meeting without mine.