for any parents whos child is taking medication

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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14 Oct 2008, 1:27 pm

my son started ritalin last week, first off, we were worried because he was unusually quiet, yesterday had a really good day at school and today a bit silly and lively? how long does it take before they settle down on a new medication. We tried the slow release which i refused to give to him in the end as i saw no beneficial change. The Ritalin (after many sleepless nights) we decided to give a go - I just want to know how long we should give it before we decide if its right for him?


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14 Oct 2008, 2:12 pm

all meds work differently. for some meds, you'll know on the same day whether or not they're working. for other meds, it takes a couple of weeks to see their full potential. i am unfamiliar with ritalin, so i really can't tell you which sort of med it is.


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14 Oct 2008, 6:19 pm

Sometimes there is a rebound effect when Ritalin wears off. It may be suggested to you to either increase or combine some other medication with it such as Resperidone? If anything like that is suggested then be cautious.

Ritalin is designed to improve concentration and alertness. It was used in World War 2 for the soldiers to be on the guard! Research shows quite emphatically that Ritalin is most effective when combined with interventions, it is not recommended for usage without. Also the experts now believe that Ritalin is only useful for 3yr periods. Any more than that is thought to be pointless.It is recommended that Ritalin should never be given to children under 5. You may find this link helpful

Gonna jump on my soapbox again and just mention Phosphatidyl Serine. There is a thread further down the page. This is in my opinon the natural alternative to Ritalin! My OPINION remember! Please do just remember it, you may just want to try it! It has transformed our lives and many others! Honestly! But that is another issue.

My best advice is that if you are NOT comfortable with how he is getting along with Ritalin or the longer acting version Concerta, then don't give it! Good luck and let us know how you are getting along! :D


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14 Oct 2008, 6:53 pm

Ritalin is an amphetamine...a central nervous system stimulant (like taking "Speed") which is why it was given to soldiers during wartimes to keep them awake and on the alert. Ritalin is prescribed for hyperactivity in kids as it seems to have an opposite, "calming" effect on kids with ADHD. It takes approximately two weeks for Ritalin to take effect and the child's nervous system to adjust to the prescribed dosage provide by the medical physician.

Ritalin can cause disruptions in the child's sleep patterns and many other side effects as any stimulant can... Respiridol is a strong antipsychotic, a tranquilizer, used to counteract the "stimulating" actions of Ritalin.