I like your ideas and I agree with most of them. I wish they would greatly simplify special education laws, so that parents have an easy path to private placement. As it stands now, special education law is similar to medical malpractice (this is how it was explained to me by the attorney I hired) and the burden is actually on the parent to prove that the school is not providing FAPE. It is very difficult for parents with limited financial resources to "win" a private placement.
My son was secluded a lot during the school day and his behavior got worse for it. They were going to send him away to a school that uses restraint, even though his teacher admitted that restraints were never needed for my son. I knew they would restrain him in that other school, esp. when he saw other kids being restrained. I think his behavior would have escalated. That's when I started homeschooling. I would have preferred to have him in a private placement for high functioning autism/aspergers....but, pursuing litigation would have bankrupted me and there was no guarantee that I would win my case.
They should give families like ours vouchers. If I had the money that the public school gets for not educating my son, I would feel satisfied with that.