I was a big time believer till one summer day my mother was showing some pictures to the neighborhood kids, friends of my brother's, there was a picture of me sitting on the knee of some bespectacled thin jowled Sears and Roebuck's Santa of the Christmas just past and my brother just laughed and said that I still believed in Santa. I remember my mother trying to warn my brother, but he said it again to get a laugh out of his friends that were already laughing and poking fun at me. Of course, I completely over reacted, (just because I was 9 years old didn't mean I wasn't a Drama Queen.) but I remember being very profoundly disallusioned. I understood what mom was telling me about it being the Spirit of Giving and all, but how they laughed at me, even if it was with the best intentions - just scotched it for me. I now added Santa to that story about 'when our ship comes in!'.
Merry Christmas!
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon