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02 Jan 2009, 8:15 am

How do I teach them to go to the potty to ------? My oldest is decent with it, but a lot of times he won't go if he's interested in something. My youngest just does it wherever he's at screaming all the while. (It is very very obvious when he's about to.)

So question I have is, how did you all teach your child to go to the potty to ------? Any really good way of ingraining it? My youngest is extremely high functioning, so he will understand anything I tell him, it's just a matter of him listening and doing as told.

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02 Jan 2009, 11:52 am

prior to dx, we told son that if he continued to go in his pants that he would have to clean it up......this disgusted him enough to go on the potty.


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02 Jan 2009, 3:11 pm

I guess I should have been more clear.. While he's not potty trained, I'm talking about vomiting. I didn't want to use the word because I know it makes my husband gag just hearing it.

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02 Jan 2009, 3:25 pm

Hate to break it to you, but you cant teach him to vomit in the bathroom. At least I cant do it, I dont know about your son.

I remember when I was in second grade. I got up one morning feeling perfectly fine, I went to school, and as I was walking down the stairs I started to feel funny. I then stumbled against the wall, vomited, and fell over. Apparently I had a fever of 102. I had no idea I was sick, or going to vomit until about 3 seconds before I did so. Simply put, by the time my body tells me its about to vomit, I have 3-5 seconds before I start doing so. I'm 22 years old, and know full well the consequences of vomiting on the floor, but I cant stop my body's natural reactions. There simply isnt enough time to react and get to the bathroom. I think it has something to do with poor communication between the body and the brain.

The solution is simple: Carry a bucket.

If your son is feeling sick, just get a bucket and put it next to him (on his lap if possible). Then tell your son that if he feels weird, lean over the bucket.


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02 Jan 2009, 3:27 pm

How old are they?
I started with letting them sit with a plastic bowl they could vomit in. I placed them on towels to avoid too much mess. I told them to stay put.
When they got the idea of not just doing it on the floor, it was easier for them to use the toilet.
But it is quite hard to control vomitting - so maybe your kids just don't have enough body-control yet. Kids are quite big before they master this skill!! In the mean time, yes it's gross, but remember they're sick and aren't doing it on purpose.... being a parent is the pits sometimes.


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02 Jan 2009, 4:02 pm

I don't think either of my children (11 and 8 ) either recognize enough of the signs early enough or have enough time to make it to the bathroom. Nor does it help that most of the action with them tends to occur at night. They know that using the toilet is what *I* do, and what I would *like* them to do, but they've never made it.

After the first (which we are never prepared for), they get buckets and towels. That works well, and there isn't any mess beyond what ends up in or on those items.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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03 Jan 2009, 8:28 am

oh, my 16 year old still vomits ( on occasion) on the floor in his room............vomiting is a difficult thing. if you know you're going to vomit, it's usually not that difficult to make it to the bathroom. if you don't know, well- i haven't made it sometimes either.
maybe you need to work on teaching him to recognize what it feels like just before he's going to vomit- watery mouth, flushed feeling.


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03 Jan 2009, 8:29 am

oh, forgot.....we use the bucket system too......once they've thrown up once, i make them lay down with a bucket next to them.


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03 Jan 2009, 2:55 pm

None of us in my family usually make it to the bathroom for the first, we still use buckets, we don't usually realize we are sick until we vomit, but none of us like vomiting, so once we have ugghh yuck. Recently we were watching tv together and my daughter says 'I think my stomach feels weird' and with that said she ran to the bathroom and vomited her lunch and red koolaid all over the bathroom. So for my family I don't think its possible to 'teach' us to do it in the toilet. Not to mention the fact that although we clean our toilet often, my wife would probably just vomit putting her head near the toilet, so we use buckets.


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03 Jan 2009, 4:53 pm

my son is 9 and by 8 learned to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, he didn't realize to go in the toilet. He used to barf in the bathtub and the latest was in the sink.


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08 Jan 2009, 9:01 am

Well, you know. If your sick your not feeling well and probably only thinking "ehhh, I feel icky. ehhhhh." They start crying and screaming, you recognize the symptoms and you grab them, carry them to the bathroom quickly and put them infront of the open toilet (which you hopefully cleaned earlier that day). After a while they might start to recognize the symptoms. Watch for signs of them swallowing a bunch and be ready to take them back in.

Hard part for us with my (now) 9 year old is that he was trying to so hard NOT TO that it came out of his nose. Which would leave him screaming in pain as well.

Most likely the kid is trying so hard to NOT vomit that he doesn't have time to get somewhere TO vomit.

I like the bucket/bowl suggestion but for some reason my kids wouldn't touch either with a 10 foot pole.