TheMidnightJudge wrote:
Cool, sounds like handled that in a pretty straightforward and logical manner.
How old is he?
He's 10 years old. 1 year ago, he would have been screaming, flailing around, and just about in tears.
It's amazing how far he has come. At first it seemed like there were so many insurmountable challenges, but I am so proud of how brave he has been at tackling them, and how quickly he is overcoming them.
We just tucked him in, and he was telling me that today he was playing with a bunch of his friends on the playground, and they were wrestling and tackling each other. At first I was worried, but he was laughing about it... and I could see in his eyes that he genuinely enjoyed playing with the other kids. 1 year ago we would have never imagined this in our wildest dreams.