Welcome - I understand your mixed feelings about the dx. My 10yo son went 2 years with an ADHD dx before we finally got the AS dx and it was 2 years of pure h-e-double hockey stick! A constant roller-coaster with meds only to find they weren't fixing any problems, only creating new ones.
The AS dx was definitely a mixed feeling - "FINALLY an answer that made sense" mixed with "well, now what do we do with this dx?".....it has been 2 years since his AS dx and I feel like I am just now coming to grips with it all. I know it sounds bad, but it took a while to accept the fact that there was anything wrong with my son. Well, "wrong" isn't the right word....."not typical" I guess would be more like it. To me, he was just a precocious, self-content child who had a few quirks.....
Give yourself some time to adjust to the notion and dx. Like the other posters, I agree it will also open up doors with services, help.
Good luck and again, welcome to the site.