Is there an Austrailian autism society/website? That way you can get relevant information to your country. I found that we didnt discover many entitlements etc. Untill my son was in intervention, and we found most things out from the other parents. Like us at the time, you may not know other parents yet, maybe you could find a parent support group near to you. Its hard at first but dont be shy, you will learn the best places to go the best professionals to see etc. The parents here have been such a support to me, but i know in the early stages most of the help you need is relevant to your country. I have learned along the way to shout for what you want, dont wait for the services to come to you, you could be left waiting!! Contact your local health prov ider, im sure they can help. Good luck with it all, its a difficult time, my son 4yrs was dx last year and life does get easier, i dont cry all the time now!! Try to enjoy your son too, all the research can make you forget to do that xx