After my son's dad left 2 years ago he went through a pretty rough time.
The neighbors cat had kittens at the time and this little calico one constantly came to the window and cried every time my son came out in the yard. So I decided to adopt her. The first couple weeks were difficult, she was always getting into my son's things, stuffing his crayons under the fridge, and he found out that little kittens have very sharp claws. But after the initial adjustment period she followed him around the house, sleeping at the foot of his bed everynight and wherever he was she was always nearby like his shadow.
Unfortunately when I took her in to get her spayed at 6 months we found out she was postive for feline leukaemia. We lost her just before her first birthday. It was tough for him, although I think having not have had her would have been tougher. There was a calmness she seemed to give him, I think it really helped him cope with what was going on in his life.
Anyways, when he found a stray kitten almost 6 months later and begged me to keep her, of course I said yes. She's not the same though although he loves her alot, she bonded to me and can be quite a witchy-poo to everyone else most days.
You could have him help to place the kitten, it might help. But if the kitten has bonded to him you might want to think it over carefully. You can pick a cat, but when they pick you, it's normally something special. Either way, I'd probably get the guilty party fixed promply to prevent a re-occurance of this situation. 
*Normal* is just a setting on the dryer.