jenny8675309 wrote:
I keep reading that kids with ADHD and ASD's are younger emotiotionally, mentally that NT kids. Do you think this is true? How much of a gap is there? I have an ADHD kid and an ASD kid, by the way. They do seem immature but I wonder what the "rule of thumb" is for guessing their mental age.
A lot of it depends on the individual child, and what you're testing. To say it as a rule of thumb is an overgeneralization.
For example, I have a friend with un dx'd ADHD who is very independant-minded. He has set up his own talent agent business, and has lived on his own for over a year (but lived with his parents when he came back from his second Banff work period). In that sense, he is more mature than the average 21 year old.
BUT, he is also extremely erratic. He doesn't focus on one thing for very long, and he sometimes makes very irrational decisions (he once flew to Calgary for a total of 10 hours, then came back to Winnipeg, because he had a fight with his mother). He dreams big, but doesn't have the education, money, or skills to back it up. He developed a nasty habit of compulsively lying to strangers about his occupation. He constantly wants to go on exotic vacations that he can't afford. He's had to take out loans to pay off credit cards (and then borrowed money from his parents to pay off the loan). In that sense, he is like a 14 year old with a credit card.
But I wouldn't claim that ALL people with ADHD are that erratic.
For another example, my boyfriend has dx'd ADHD/ODD/ An additional communication disorder (he's not even sure which one).
He's always held some form of employment, is currently in college, and "owns" his own truck. In that sense, he's just as mature than the average 19 year old.
But, he often goes into rages if his mother bothers him for some things, or gets into an argument if she won't let him see his friends/me or let him use his truck. He recently was fired because he punched a chair and swore at a manager. He won't actually complete his full college certificate because his combination of conditions would make a work practicum difficult for him to complete (employers might misunderstand him, and fail him because they don't like him personally). His family are trying to set him up with Voc Rehab. He starts arguments with me if I did something tiny that he didn't like (like calling my friend back for 2 minutes after a movie with my boyfriend, after I missed his calls three times). In that sense, he's immature.
Even people with AS aren't necessarily immature.
I remember back when I was 12, and hung out with some girls. They would always start screaming when the Backstreet Boys or N'SYNC would come on tv or the radio. The most excited that I ever got was "Oh yeah, I like this song". Who is being immature in this situation? I met up with another young woman with AS who also didn't do the whole "screaming" thing. Did that make us immature?