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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Jun 2009, 12:51 am

Most nights I read to the kid and then he moves to his own bed. On rare occasions I allow him to stay.

Tonight when he came in he wanted to stay, but I'm in too much pain for that tonight. While I read to him he fell asleep. Unfortunately he is way too big to carry so I tried to wake him up, but I don't think he ever really woke up. He started physically fighting with me, but all the time he was non-verbal, which is very abnormal for him. I did finally get him moved, but I'm pretty sure I am going to be bruised in then morning. He might be too since I had to smack him to get him off me at one point.

He really scared me. He usually isn't violent unless he has a complete and through meltdown. It's like he was sleep meltdowning if that makes any sense at all.

Does anyone have experience with this? Is this a common thing? Is it likely to happen again? I need help!


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07 Jun 2009, 7:32 am

Get away from this guy. Not all meltdowns are violent. You don't have to tolerate violence in any way from anybody. Have respect for yourself and go.

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!


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07 Jun 2009, 7:47 am

What you’re saying is your son or dependent fell asleep on you bed and you tried to wake him and he became violent?

It is not unusual for people to become belligerent whist is a semi-sleep state. However it is pretty difficult to know this online.

The fact is he is too large to be sleeping in you bed now, so you will need to reduce this so he is able to sleep on his own.


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07 Jun 2009, 8:49 am

It sounds like a night terror to me. Basically he was having a nightmare, and physically lashing out to defend himself. My bet is that he probably wont remember the event.


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07 Jun 2009, 8:50 am

whitetiger wrote:
Get away from this guy. Not all meltdowns are violent. You don't have to tolerate violence in any way from anybody. Have respect for yourself and go.


It sounds like you misunderstood. She's talking about her child, not a boyfriend. And yes, she will need to get control of this discipline situation before it gets out of hand.

Sleep meltdowns? I had a dream about my computer malfunctioning. In my dream it wouldn't turn off, and I was trying to turn the music off because someone walked into the room. In my dream I let out a string of swear words, GDFPOS, maybe others too, and I am not sure whether I might have been audible when I did this. I was at the 2006 ammonia fuel conference and staying in a room with one of my colleagues. When I woke up I felt disturbed and embarrassed, and had to get away for a few hours. He wondered where I went, and that my disappearing was a little weird. I never did ask him if he heard me swearing.

A boy and his dog can go walking
A boy and his dog sometimes talk to each other
A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log
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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Jun 2009, 1:53 pm

This is my 11 yo son. He will definitely not allowed to fall asleep in my bed again until this is dealt with.

The good news is there were no bruises. The first thing he said when I woke him up this morning was that he had the strangest dream last night. He kind of remembered it.

The idea of a night terror isn't a bad one, because he used to have terrible ones when he was little.


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07 Jun 2009, 2:05 pm

I have been in similar situations, however my son hasn't become violent but could have had I not recognised the signs that 1, he wasn't awake even though he had his eyes were open and 2, he was scared beyond belief and thought that I was someone different ie a monster or something bad from his dreams. He wasn't in control. I've had to ride these things out, the worst thing to do is try and wake them up because they can become extremely disorientated and really really scared, they have no understanding as to what you are trying to do.

Your trying to move him or wake him in his sleep was probably playing subconciously (sorry cant spell) into his dreams, he was probably lashing out at what ever he thought (you) was attacking him. Its an honest mistake on both parts.

My suggestion is if you dont want him staying the night in your bed, read to him in his bed.

When it was happening with my son-Night terrors he would wake up beside me (yes he slept with me because of the terrors, he was to scared to stay in his own bed) he would think I was a vampire or the undead, the more I tried to console him the worse it became.

I dont suggest punishment only because its not fair to punish someone for something that they have no awareness of and its beyond their control.

Good luck- not sure if any of that was helpful, hope so. :)


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07 Jun 2009, 7:09 pm

Some people can't be woken up and act rationally. Now that you know, be careful where he might fall asleep.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).