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05 May 2008, 2:02 am

Would anyone like to register me to their friends roster on the Wii version online?

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09 May 2008, 5:56 am

anyone planning to get the guitar hero on tour thing?


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22 May 2008, 3:31 pm

jamesohgoodie wrote:
i have Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii right now. i've gotten quite good at it and i love the online play.

I've also got the Wii version online. Would you like to add me to your friends list?

My Friend code is: 3866 6714 9179

LOL I have 666 in there, and there's a song in the game called 'Number of the Beast'! :lol:

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22 May 2008, 4:40 pm

I've been playing them a lot lately, especially Rock Band. I prefer to play them with friends than alone though...they only let you play bass in practice mode...lame :roll: At least Guitar Hero...dunno if Rock Band lets you do bass one player.

We have 3 on the's nowhere near as good as 2 was, but we don't have a PS2. I'm planning on getting Aerosmith when it comes out, just so I can have a second guitar ;D

I might get On Tour, but I haven't decided yet. I have to see the full song list first. I've almost beaten all three Ouendan/EBA games, so I need a new music fix for my DS.

I downloaded Frets on Fire last night and the Guitar Hero packages, it's not too bad...not as good as the real thing, but I guess you can't complain about free. Really hard to play with a keyboard though, I'll have to find some spare parts and make myself a controller.

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22 May 2008, 5:27 pm

Eh, Frets on Fire doesn't let you play bass at all =(

Unless there are special packs out there, maybe.

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23 May 2008, 6:18 am

i heard you can have a go at setting a record on guitar hero for the guiness book of world records. for the highest score on an expert song, all you need to do is get 5 people together they each take a note and you strum.

apparently the hardest song on guitar hero 3 has 8.3 notes per second or something like that.


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23 May 2008, 11:24 am

am was watching it on the tv last week-sisters boyfriend was playing the latest one on his 360,he had it on easy setting.
am dont know how anyone can manage to play it,it's both visually and information overloading,and he wasnt even using all the strings either.
dont know how much easier he was getting it than those who use full strings/hard,but he played a dragonforce song and did excellent the first time,for an extreme power metal band that must be quite hard to copy.

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23 May 2008, 2:29 pm

tweety_fan wrote:
...all you need to do is get 5 people together they each take a note and you strum.

I think that would be harder than just having one really good person doing it. Some of my friends really decimate that game...I'm pretty good at it, I can do bass on expert on most songs...on guitar I'm nearly there, but I suck terribly at the solos. I can't just play them as they come, I gotta have something memorized to go on...patterns I can pick up on...things like that.

I think that's why I like bass so much better. Just get a groove going and jam with it \m/ And none of those ridulous three-finger chord monstrocities that Neversoft came up with :x Or those horrifically harder-than-real-life arpeggios :x :x

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23 May 2008, 2:31 pm

KingdomOfRats wrote:
aam dont know how anyone can manage to play it,it's both visually and information overloading...

I would be a lot worse at it if I didn't already have considerable skills playing a real guitar. That sort of coordination took me forever to pick up.

Not to mention Guitar Hero is a lot harder than playing a real guitar, so it took me even longer to go from normal mode to hard (and sometimes expert, if I'm feeling adventurous).

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23 May 2008, 6:08 pm

I'm stuck on the battle against Lou on Expert mode. Any tips?

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24 May 2008, 1:48 am

Hum, anyone seen the South Park episode bout guitar hero?... Just makes me realizes how odd this game can be attractive. Having to try to play music without actually touching an instrument of music...


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26 May 2008, 5:21 pm

ihitterdal wrote:
I'm stuck on the battle against Lou on Expert mode. Any tips?
I'm still stuck on it too, but on Hard.
I got sick of that song (and failing) after a while and so I decided to take a break from it and play through the game on expert instead.
All was well and life was good. I got to play my favorite songs and I progressed quickly. Then I hit the second guitar battle. And died.
I suck at guitar battles. I seem to be incapable of doing well on them. Lord knows how I squeaked by on the first one.

But, anyway, I can actually do better (on the Lou thing on Hard) than before.
Because of the extra practice, now I can play through the notes (for the battle) with no problem. I lose just because I run out of time now. Or because of that evil lefty-flip.

Needless to say I'm not a fan of the battle system. I think it's sort of silly. It doesn't make much sense and the guitarstring-snapping/amp-overloading sabotage is unfair.
I'm all for classic guitar hero where you just play through the notes and get insane combos.

Anyway, good luck to you too.


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27 May 2008, 2:08 pm

I just found out yesterday that you can do coop over the Net in the Wii version \m/

Tried it last night...the dude decided to go expert with me and chose the Dragonforce song...I was kind of nervous because I knew I wouldn't get very far in it...

I think he was just having a laugh, because he bombed it before I could get three notes in ;D

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29 May 2008, 2:23 pm

Wow, I was wrong about Frets on Fire.

Tried the Alarian mod...the term "mod" is misleading, it's more like a custom build. Makes the game WAY more like the real things (even limited Rock Band support), right down to stealing artwork and sounds directly from the games :roll:

Not really down with that high a degree of piracy, but I appreciate the gameplay tweaks. And being able to play bass in single player is a huge plus \m/

I was at Best Buy last night, and in their bargain bin they had some thing called Mii Manager...some sort of PC program to download/share Miis, stuff like that...I scoffed at it at first, and then realized it came with a Bluetooth USB dongle. For $8.50.

The dongles in the PC section were like $30.

Really awesome being able to use a real controller in FoF \m/

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30 May 2008, 1:38 pm

Seems like I've simultaneously hijacked and killed this thread :oops:

I found a game called Guitar Zero yesterday (or Guitar Star, I'm not quite sure what it wants to be called).

Runs a whole lot smoother than FoF, has almost perfect sync, and really nice custom graphics (only thing from GH is a screenshot as the background, which is easily replaced). Not as customizable as FoF, no single player bass, and you have to patch Rock Band songs to get them to work...but I'll take higher playability over customization. Future updates sound promising.

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02 Jun 2008, 7:55 pm

I play it, but I do not think it's fun lol... I'm on the hardest mode and cannot beat the last two songs. And I tried Through the Fire and Flames on the hardest mode, it's nearly impossible...