Every "sandbox" game I've ever tried seemed to focus too much on creating a huge world, and ended up skimping on the gameplay and graphics.
GTA, for instance, every time I try to play one, I goof around and run people over for a while...but then when I try to do the actual missions, I get kind of bored. And for a game series that claims to give you so much freedom, I found it silly that the missions forced you to do criminal acts, instead of giving you a choice.
machf wrote:
Ever heard of Trespasser?
Tresspasser was fun, but like STALKER, it definitely promised a lot that the publishers would not allow them time to deliver =/
It got a bit linear in places, too...I hated when I'd find a safe mountain passage to sneak past some raptors, only to find that it was clipped off
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...