I just got a new game a week ago. It's made by Bioware and ... Eidos? (hmm), who also made Never Winter NIghts and the Baldur's Gate series and more (Prince of Persia, etc.).
It's a single player game.
It's the best game of this type I have ever played. Not that I have played that many, but it really IS good.
It has a lot of little movies between sections, and I like it's setup. Stat-wise it's pretty much like NWN, but they've gotten rid of that annoying bag-space problem, one always had. - Or maybe it'll turn up later.
I've spend at least 11 hours with the game so far, and the friend who recommented it to me says that I have only just got past the starting point - which is more than one area. You get through many things and places before what my friend call the Real game. To me it's very really a game all of it, and a great one at that.
Sad thing is, it has only just hit the streets in Europe, so if that'w ehere you're from, it'll cost ye. Around $40/Eur70-73 or there abouts.
On the other hand: It's for PC, so that's all you'll ever need to pay. And two extra down loadable contents comes with it.
Other than this, there is of course Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls. No single player can top this, probably.
The only thing that makes it a bit hard to get into - at least for me - is that the NPCs tend to very aloof and not very kind to you when you first start. Your progress will change this though. And other than that, I can't put my finger on anything bad about that game.
All in all, it's probably just me who am hyper-sensitive (I actually am!). Most people who play it never mentions anything about the NPCs attitudes, so I guess it really is only me.
Anyway, pls tell me what you think, if you try it out or have already played it.
Where multiplayer games are concerned, I don't know much about the ones that people play now.
The only MMPORG I know of specifict now is World of Warcraft.
My views on this game is two-sided. As much fun it has brought my sometimes, as many endless hours of distress, anger and even tears of frustration has it brought me.
It isn't the game itself that has this effect upon me, but the people who play it. I dare say that - apart from perhaps Diablo-2XP WoW is appealing to the most immature and negative kinds of people I have ever met on the net. And it's really too bad, because the game really has a lot to offer!
I have been thinking about how great it would be if I could get an Aspie guild up and working. And I find that I'm not alone with this. However, we're so scattered all over the world and all over the servers, that it would demand a lot on everybody to actually bring us together.
I would be willing to start over completely, on a new server, and from scratch, if we could agree on this.
But many have already friends or family, who don't share the willingness to start over anew, which, I guess, is understandable enough. - So it would most likely have to be people who already play alone, or at least don't have family or friends i.e., they play with.
Still, I mention the above, because if that option was there, I would recommend WoW as a possibility as a Multiplayer game suggestion.
Good luck with it!