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Which do you like more in gaming consoles?
Microsoft 10%  10%  [ 11 ]
Microsoft 10%  10%  [ 11 ]
Sony 12%  12%  [ 14 ]
Sony 12%  12%  [ 14 ]
Nintendo 25%  25%  [ 28 ]
Nintendo 25%  25%  [ 28 ]
Other 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
Other 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
Hell, I dont play video games! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Hell, I dont play video games! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 114


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15 May 2006, 5:11 pm

If it were not for the fact that the Revmote is a lousy controller ergonomically (how will I reach those buttons down there?), I like the motion-sensor tech (even if it uses a sensor bar). It's the sort of system I would like to program for.

Emu Egg
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28 Jul 2006, 10:45 pm

MagicMike wrote:
If it were not for the fact that the Revmote is a lousy controller ergonomically (how will I reach those buttons down there?)

Those lower buttons are for when the controller is turned sideways (for NES games and some other games like Excitebike), and aren't intended for when you're just holding the controller like a remote at all.

Anyway, I fully support the Wii to 100%. I can't stand Sony and Microsoft's visions of nothing more than improved visual quality (the most superfluous aspect of gaming in the first place). Innovation is what will always make the REAL difference (and not when Sony just steals it from Nintendo for the umpteenth time at the expense of, ironically, another innovation they stole from Nintendo almost a decade earlier). I think we can all agree that swinging a controller in real life to perfectly control a tennis racket onscreen is far more of a breakthrough than just battling a "Giant Enemy Crab! that happens to be in HD. This point has already been proven by the Nintendo DS's having significantly outperformed the PSP.

Add to that the incredible launch library (as well as the titles coming soon after, like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl) and you have a surefire winner. It's basically a given that it will at least out perform the Gamecube, and market leader Sony has nowhere to go but down (especially with a $600 dollar price tag, a disc format nobody else is endorsing, and blind overconfidence that makes Bush look modest). I'd say Nintendo has more than enough on it's side to attack that giant enemy crab's weak points for "MASSIVE DAMAGE!! !"

I forsee the Wii and 360 duking it out for number one in the states, while Sony maintains a decent, but notably smaller margin of the market share. In Japan however, the Wii will almost definitely be number one (just look at how the technically inferior, but far more innovative DS is doing as it shatters sale records with an iron fist), with the PS3 in second and the 360 with a very distant third (Xbox will never be anything more than a small niche market overseas).


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28 Jul 2006, 11:39 pm

Heh. I find it humorous how the posts in this thread pre-E3 overwhelmingly bash Nintendo, yet the posts (and the votes) after E3 overwhelmingly support Nintendo. :lol:

Maybe it had something to do with that $600 price tag on the PS3.... ;)


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29 Jul 2006, 6:26 pm

tendo128 wrote:
MagicMike wrote:
If it were not for the fact that the Revmote is a lousy controller ergonomically (how will I reach those buttons down there?)

Those lower buttons are for when the controller is turned sideways (for NES games and some other games like Excitebike), and aren't intended for when you're just holding the controller like a remote at all.

Anyway, I fully support the Wii to 100%. I can't stand Sony and Microsoft's visions of nothing more than improved visual quality (the most superfluous aspect of gaming in the first place). Innovation is what will always make the REAL difference (and not when Sony just steals it from Nintendo for the umpteenth time at the expense of, ironically, another innovation they stole from Nintendo almost a decade earlier). I think we can all agree that swinging a controller in real life to perfectly control a tennis racket onscreen is far more of a breakthrough than just battling a "Giant Enemy Crab! that happens to be in HD. This point has already been proven by the Nintendo DS's having significantly outperformed the PSP.

Add to that the incredible launch library (as well as the titles coming soon after, like Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl) and you have a surefire winner. It's basically a given that it will at least out perform the Gamecube, and market leader Sony has nowhere to go but down (especially with a $600 dollar price tag, a disc format nobody else is endorsing, and blind overconfidence that makes Bush look modest). I'd say Nintendo has more than enough on it's side to attack that giant enemy crab's weak points for "MASSIVE DAMAGE!! !"

I forsee the Wii and 360 duking it out for number one in the states, while Sony maintains a decent, but notably smaller margin of the market share. In Japan however, the Wii will almost definitely be number one (just look at how the technically inferior, but far more innovative DS is doing as it shatters sale records with an iron fist), with the PS3 in second and the 360 with a very distant third (Xbox will never be anything more than a small niche market overseas).

Globally, the PSP and DS are pretty close to one another; it's mainly Japan where the DS is doing well, with the PSP doing best in the US and UK. As for the 2 buttons for emulating NES games, it's hogwash. Big deal if it lets me play Gilligan's Island or Mario. What about for emulating games from the 16-bit era, as the SNES had 6 buttons (four face and two shoulder) and the Genesis had 6 (all face)? If there's something the GBA taught us with Street Fighter Advance, it's that you cannot emulate SNES games with only two buttons.

Call it absurd but trying to create a system that relies on reducing the number of button inputs AND trying to make multi-button games available for download won't work, especially when many of those games have been re-released to death. While I want an official translation of Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu as much as anyone else, I seriously doubt the probabilities of massive relocalization of Japan-only titles.

As for the Wii's invincible launch lineup; we have Twilight Princess which looks great but doesn't look THAT much better than the Gamecube version, we have Red Steel which probably will rock (as it's the Splinter Cell team) but will be unnoticed, and we've got...Spongebob and ExciteTruck...whee.

Wireless internet rocks...if you have it. Nowadays, less than 10% of American households have WiFi, and the Wii has no broadband ports. Nintendo has a lot of guts to say HDTV isn't mainstream enough yet assume that everyone has WiFi. And what's with a system that refuses to turn itself off? You are making me sick Nintendo.

I do agree with Sony being messed up; remember when Phil Harrison said Sony invented real-time 3D graphics (nevermind the advent of 3d games beforehand like Virtua Fighter, Silpheed or if you're a Nintendo fan, Starfox)? Phil also expects 5 million people to buy the PS3 even if it has NO GAMES. I do want to see Sony fail big-time, and seeing that the DualShock is now the DualTiltThingy due to Sony never legally owning the force feedback technology used in DualShock to begin with is the first step to seeing my Dream of going under.

Of course, in the end I'll probably get a Wii but mainly because I have several games I wish to develop for it and because SNK (one of my favorite companies) plans to support it the most of the next-gen consoles, and because of Smash Bros online. Of course, I'll probably get a 360 the moment Panzer Dragoon Orta and Otogi II become backwards-compatible...I'll probably spend my time playing Ninja Gaiden Black and Dead or Alive 4 and Enchant Arm until that happens though. Oh yeah, and I want a 360 for Blue Dragon, an RPG being developed by the original members of the Chrono Trigger team.


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03 Aug 2006, 8:27 pm

I'd say Microsoft, since they have a history of knowing the future potential of some things.

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.


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06 Aug 2006, 6:01 am

I would pick Microsoft or Sony. Which do you think is better? :?


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06 Aug 2006, 1:35 pm

I'd say Microsoft as they're slightly less crooked than Sony. That, and they don't have execs that boast their consoles will sell in the millions, even if they have no games.


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07 Aug 2006, 11:29 am

Nintendo I mean come on Nintendo DS!! 8)

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
There are 4 aspies in our family, dad, me and my
two little brothers 16, 8.

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11 Aug 2006, 5:55 am

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintendo all the way


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12 Aug 2006, 9:51 am

On the 2nd of April, in this topic, I wrote:
I'm not too keen no Nintendo (even though I have a DS) because the variety of games on their consoles are a bit childish.

I now vastly disagree with that. My friends and I like Nintendo and enjoy many of the Mario games. Also, Metroid is good, along with Tetris.

I would like to get a Wii later this year.

If the phrase "you are what you eat" is correct, technically we must all be cannibals.


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12 Aug 2006, 12:51 pm

aspiegirl2 wrote:
I'd say Microsoft, since they have a history of knowing the future potential of some things.

Why didn't you say Nintendo then? They've been in the business far longer than anyone else and they've invented such things as the D-pad, the Handheld, the Analog stick, and now motion sensing.

What has Microsoft or Sony invented that has revolutionized gaming? Better graphics?


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21 Aug 2006, 7:56 pm

Correction: Nintendo POPULARIZED the Handheld, D-pad, and Analog, and hopefully motion-sensing.


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28 Aug 2006, 12:48 am

MagicMike wrote:
Bishi Bashi Special

Best game evar!


Now, talking more seriously: I grew up with the NES, then the SNES and after that, the Nintendo64. But something happened and I grew fond of the PS2 games, and well, now I'm with Sony.

I think it's a very bad thing the propietary or exclusive licenses, like the Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Donkey Kong games only for Nintendo, some games only for the PS2, and some games only for the XBOX.

In an ideal world all games should be available for every console. Splinter Cell is a great example of this, a game widely available for all consoles. But well, the list is short :S...


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30 Aug 2006, 1:40 am

MagicMike wrote:
Correction: Nintendo POPULARIZED the Handheld, D-pad, and Analog, and hopefully motion-sensing.

Are you sure? I know for certain that the D-pad was Nintendo's invention, and I think some of the others were too. I'm not real sure.

Either way, they are not afraid to try new things and if it weren't for them we'd still be using joysticks probably. :)

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30 Aug 2006, 2:15 am

I voted Nintendo. Microsoft can go back to hell. :twisted:


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16 Oct 2006, 2:03 pm

Hmmn, someone mentioned too much experimenting is the bad aspect of nintendo..

In my opinion the whole point of gaming is to experiment, to touch people in ways never done before, I remember when I first played half-life 2, I must say I was AMAZED, that was experimentation with new technology, yes in a different way to Wii... but you get me..

For me its this experimentation that draws me to nintendo, I love the idea of swinging my hands around like a moron, and aiming at the screen (metroid style) with the wii remote, for me its a way to travel, to journey, to experience new things, but feel home at the same time.... a perfect way to chill.

But yeh, I'm lucky, my brother will get a playstation 3, and my cousin has the xbox 360, I'll definately go wii, betcha they'll wish they could play zelda :P

All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!