i started off with a warrior, leveled in prot spec and never really looked back.
spent about a year at level 80 trying to figure out the whole tanking thing (and trying to deal with the immense pressure i felt in that position. . .which was not easy for me).
then leveled a warlock. went destro at 80.
i LOVED leveling my warlock. . .many good times lol. just a really fun class for me, coming from my prot warrior.
but i didn't enjoy it nearly as much at end game. did some raids with my lock, but got pretty bored with it quickly.
then i leveled my hunter. leveling i found boring with my hunter, but as soon as i hit 80, i found a new love lol.
only took me a little over a week to get pretty well geared (5k gs), and have been slowly trying to learn the class/spec (mm) ever since.
only been 80 with my hunter for 5 weeks now, and have already raided more with it then i did with my lock and warrior combined lol. currently working on icc 10 (i do 25 man too, but don't plan on clearing it anytime soon).
my hunter's on the server drenden us, all my other toons are on arathor us.